91. A home educational childcare provider must equip the residence where the childcare is provided with(1) a telephone, other than a cellphone;
(2) a first aid kit that contains the items listed in Schedule I, is unlocked, kept out of the reach of the children, accessible to the home educational childcare provider and any replacement or assistant, and is suitable in terms of quantities to the number of the children receiving childcare;
(3) at least 1 smoke detector on each storey;
(3.1) at least 1 carbon monoxide detector on each storey, complying with the “CAN/CSA-6.19-Residential Carbon monoxide Alarming Devices” standard, installed and replaced in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;
(4) at least 1 easily accessible fire extinguisher; and
(5) games and educational material suitable for the age and number of children and relevant to the implementation of the educational program.